Vintage Black Label is a vintage designer clothing resale label that sometimes also designs and produces new clothing with a vintage spin. I was asked me to illustrate their new line of 'mantel' summer dresses: shifts made from recycled vintage tablecloths, or 'mantel' in Tagalog. Since the brand's focus is vintage clothing, I thought it would be fun to evoke old Lord & Taylor advertising for this series, from the layout to the copy, as well as my own humble homage to the great L&T illustrator, Fred Greenhill.
Digital ink and gouache illustrations rendered in Photoshop.
Digital ink and gouache illustrations rendered in Photoshop.

Faux ad version 1

Faux ad version 2

Faux ad version 3
Detail shots of the various figures

Detail of ad 2 illustration

Detail of ad 3 illustration

Detail of ad 1 illustration

Detail of ad 3 illustration
all images copyright © George Gozum 2022